Since the terms "verification" and "validation" are commonly conflated among systems and software engineers, we first clarify the differences between them using Boehm's classic formal and informal definitions [Boehm 84]:
A. DefinitionsVerification - to establish the truth of the correspondence between a software product and its specification. (Note: This definition is derived from the Latin word for "truth," veritas. Note also that data bases and documentation are fit subjects for verification, as well as programs.)
Validation - to establish the fitness or worth of a software product for its operational mission. (Note: This definition is derived from the Latin word for "to be worthy," valere.)Informally, we might define these terms via the following questions:
Verification: "Am I building the product right?"
Validation: "Am I building the right product?"— [Boehm 84] Guidelines for Verifying and Validating Software Requirements and Design Specifications
Requirement Validation is typically the responsibility of system Stakeholders, who review Requirement specifications (e.g., SysML Requirement diagrams) to determine that they define "the right product" to be built. Requirement qualities checked during Validation include, but are not limited to, the following: Correctness, Completeness, Consistency, Clarity (Unambiguousness), Conciseness, Feasibility, Necessity, and Prioritization.
Requirement Verification is typically the responsibility of System Engineers and Systems Analysts, who (as per [Boehm 84]) "establish the truth of the correspondence between" the systems engineering product and its Requirement specification.
Another Requirement Verification best practice is to define a VerifyMethod property (TaggedValue) for Requirements with appropriate values (e.g., Analysis, Demonstration, Inspection, Test).
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