MBSE FAQ: What is the best way to learn MBSE?

Learning any new language is challenging, whether it is a natural language (e.g., Japanese, Swahili, English) or an artificial language, such as SysML. Since SysML is a dialect (Profile) of UML 2, if you are fluent in UML 2and understand how Parts, Ports, and Connectors support component-based designyou should be able to learn the SysML dialect relatively quickly. On the other hand, if you have only dabbled with UML 1 and have succumbed to UML 1 worst practices (e.g., Use Case Abuse), your previous bad exposure to UML 1 may be a liability rather than an asset.

In order to increase your likelihood of achieving SysML language fluency, you may want to consider a multi-pronged approach to learning SysML. For example, if you have the opportunity, you may want to start off with basic SysML hands-on training, followed up by expert coaching (mentoring) for On The Job training, which in turn is followed up with advanced SysML hands-on training. For the best learning experience, ensure that all your SysML training is taught by expert practitioners with extensive application experience on large projects, and includes frequent hands-on practice sessions and Q&A sessions.

In addition, you should also read voraciously about SysML techniques and best practices, so that you can further benefit from the experience (and mistakes) of others.

You can find a listing of selected MBSE + SysML training resources on the MBSE + SysML Training page of this web.

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