Please contact us with your constructive ideas to correct and improve this section.
MBSE Tool Reviews
A web dedicated to MBSE visual modeling tools that includes reviews of popular MBSE tools that comply with the SysML standard.
A wiki dedicated to an MBSE initiative supported by INCOSE and the OMG Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group.
INCOSE SE Vision 2020 (INCOSE-TP-2004-004-02 September, 2007)
INCOSE document that projects MBSE as part of the future for state-of-the art Systems Engineering practice in 2020.
A web that provides information information related to SysML tools, SysML training, SysML tutorials, SysML specifications, SysML compatible processes, SysML publications, and SysML discussion groups (mailing lists).
A web that provides information, specifications, and resources related to the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) open source specification project, founded by the SysML Partners in 2003.
An Object Management Group web dedicated to OMG SysML, the version of SysML that the OMG has adopted and standardized for tool vendors.
SysML Tools
A web dedicated to SysML visual modeling tools that includes reviews of popular SysML tools that support MBSE.
Model-Based Engineering Forum
The parent web of MBSE Works, dedicated to a wide range of Model-Based Engineering topics and sub-disciplines, including MBSE.
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