Review: Rational Rhapsody - MBSE & SysML Support

Review: Rational Rhapsody - SysML & MBSE Support

  • Product Name: Rational Rhapsody
  • Brand: IBM Rational
  • Description: MBSE system architecture modeling tool that complies with the OMG SysML standard and supports dynamic system and mathematical (parametric) simulations.
  • Reviewer: Editor,
  • Date: 9/15/2020
  • Review Summary

Rhapsody is a MBSE system architecture modeling tool that provides robust support for UML/SysML State Machine diagram syntax and semantics. Although Rhapsody excels at simulating and executing State Machines, its support for Activity and Sequence diagrams is relatively weak. Rhapsody's User Interface is dated and unintuitive, so it tends to be a mediocre SysML drawing tool. Rhapsody offers proprietary plugins to integrate with Requirements Management tools (e.g., DOORS, Requisite Pro, PTC Integrity) and mathematical simulation tools (MATLAB/Simulink, Mathematica).

Rhapsody is relatively expensive compared with competitive MBSE + SysML system architecture modeling tools, so unless you executable State Machine diagrams dominate your system architectures you are likely to find better value elsewhere.

  • Editor Rating: 2.7 / 5 Stars

Function: Draw SysML
Function: Simulate / Execute SysML
Team Model & Interop


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